It is no question that bunk beds can often times be dangerous. Recent studies from the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that in a 16 year study, roughly 500,000 kids and adults were injuries relating to bunk beds. While this data may seem a bit intimidating, rest assure that all bunk beds that pass safety standards are perfectly safe as long as the user follows all the standards.
From my experience, parents tend to hesitate from buying bunk beds due to how unsure they are of the safety of bunk beds. The fact that bunk beds possess two levels of beds, are much higher, sometimes seemingly unsteady can persuade parents from buying a bunk bed. Fact of the matter is, while these daunting factors do exist, there are safety measures that should be taken at all times to avoid any injuries.
Here are some suggestions to keep you and your family safe:
- When building your own bunk bed or assembling a manufactured bunk bed, make sure to follow all directions carefully. Every nut and bolt, and every inch of the bunk bed should be checked and double checked to make sure that no defects or imperfections can cause any injuries.
- Guard rails on the top bunk are almost always recommended. There are bunk beds that sometimes do not come equipped with a guard rail. It is highly suggested that you do not purchase these bunk beds for children as kids may unknowingly fall off while asleep. While these kinds of bunk beds aren’t specifically suggested for anyone for that matter, always look for a bunk bed with guard rails before settling on one without a guard rail.
- Bunk beds typically come with either a stair-like ladder or a vertical ladder. Stair-like ladders may typically be safer and easier for children to access. Vertical ladders can be difficult because you have to actually climb the ladder vertically which may require a bit of strength. Whichever ladder method you choose, make sure they are 100% stable and flawless!
- One very important thing to consider when purchasing a bunk bed is the height. If the bunk bed is too close to the ceiling or any light fixture, it can be dangerous and often difficult to access.
- Absolutely no fooling around on the bunk bed, especially the top bunk!
While these guides should help you get an idea of what you should do, do not ignore all basic safety measures. Any safety rule that you enforce on your kids should be strictly enforced on or near bunk beds. Keep in mind that bunk beds are large furniture pieces with smaller assembled parts. Any modifying of such parts can lead to serious injuries. Follow all safety standards and you got yourself a safe and fun bunk bed that your kids will absolutely enjoy!
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