Here at Bunkbedspedia, we often get requests from many people asking for “bunk beds” in photoshop. Out of curiosity, I took the time to actually look up what this meant. To my interest, we found something quite intruiging!
In this tutorial I am going to teach you how to make a stack of objects which designers often call ‘bunk beds’.
Step 1
Firstly, create a new document, the size I’m using for this tutorial is 500 by 400 pixels and my background contents is White (will fill the background with a white colour for you).
Step 2
Create a new layer by going Layer > New > Layer, name this new layer as ‘matress top’. Select the rounded rectangle tool and make a fixed selection of 300 by 150 pixels with a radius of 10 pixels. Don’t worry about the background colour for now.
Step 3
Next, we are going to apply a couple of layer styles to the top of the matress. Firstly grab this image from colourlovers and define it as a pattern (Edit > Define Pattern).
Layer > Layer Style > Pattern Overlay – this adds a pattern to the top of the bed.
Layer > Layer Style > Stroke – this will add the little bit around the edges of the mattress.
Step 4
Using the transform tool (Ctrl + T) rotate the layer ‘mattress top’ one turn (while holding down the shift key) anti clockwise. Hit enter to set the transformation.
Step 5
Duplicate the ‘mattress top’ layer (Ctrl + J) and name it ‘mattress bottom’ and move it below the top layer in the layers window. Now move the ‘mattress bottom’ layer 20 pixels to the left, and down (Ctrl + Shift Left & Down arrows).
Step 6
Now we want to add in the part between the top and bottom of the mattress. Duplicate the ‘mattress bottom’ layer and remove the layer styles (right click > clear layer style). While holding down the ctrl and alt keys, hit the up arrow, then the right arrow – repeat this process 20 times (this will create a LOT of layers by the way).
Step 7
Flatten the many middle layers (by selecting them in the layers window and going Ctrl + E on the keyboard).
Step 8
Now we are going to be adding the same pattern to the middle section.
Go Layer > Layer Style > Pattern Overlay.
Step 9
Now duplicate the three layers and move them up a bit – repeat this process a couple of times so you have a stack of mattresses and you are complete
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